What's Your Gender Identity? (Cisgender, Trans, or Nonbinary) (2024)

Personality testsAm I a boy or girl?

What's Your Gender Identity? (Cisgender, Trans, or Nonbinary) (1)What's Your Gender Identity? (Cisgender, Trans, or Nonbinary) (2)What's Your Gender Identity? (Cisgender, Trans, or Nonbinary) (3)What's Your Gender Identity? (Cisgender, Trans, or Nonbinary) (4)What's Your Gender Identity? (Cisgender, Trans, or Nonbinary) (5)What's Your Gender Identity? (Cisgender, Trans, or Nonbinary) (6)What's Your Gender Identity? (Cisgender, Trans, or Nonbinary) (7)

10 Questions - Developed by: - Updated on: - 10,677 taken - User Rating: 4.0 of 5 - 5 votes - 24 people like it

Journeying to grasp your gender identity can be both intriguing and challenging. Still wondering where you fit on the wide spectrum of gender? This quiz is designed to help you figure out whether you might identify as cisgender, transgender, or nonbinary. By answering a few simple questions, you'll be able to think about how you feel about gender. This is a step towards embracing your true self, whether that aligns with the sex you were assigned at birth, differs from it, or exists outside the traditional gender binary.

Comments (22)


Annon (65805)


Guys I got non binary:D
I think I am one too

Goddess (91550)


Yay!!! I got demigender!!! Lots of tests don't have that so I really feel seen.

.Xylon. (18756)


Ima just comment AGAIN cause like its midnight and Im super sleep deprived, I love how the attraction question came and I was legit like wheres the "no one is attracted to me" option lmao

.Xylon. (18756)


Alsooooo to anybody don't be afraid to use neopronouns like xey/xem ey/em! Personally I use xey/xem and they/them. Just don't be a karen and get p-ssed off when someone doesnt use or ask always. You may have to say something abt it but thats perfectly okay!

.Xylon. (18756)


((agender/nonbinary I kinda use them interchangeably for myself though I line up with agender in definition))
I tried on a dress today mostly to see how I felt and I just felt so disociated? Like I didnt feel ANYTHING besides vague uncomfortableness (word I swear) and kinda like I wanted to cry while kinda felt okay cause I felt like I fit into female body standards. Although I looked in the mirror and it was like I didnt recognize myself. As if I had raised my arm and the person in the mirror wouldnt of waved back. It was a total out of body expirience, like I felt so far disconnected as if I was watching someone else or had switched bodys with an entirely different person. I get a feeling like that all the time though thats more of a "nothing is real its all fake and in my head sorta thing. Seriously NOTHING feels real wth" anywayyyyyy its a similar feeling I get when someone uses female pronouns on me, Im uncomfortable and I hate it but I also feel a great distnce from it as soon as it happens. Its strange lol anyone else feel like this?

addie (18683)


oh btw addie is my new name cause my old name sucked and was way to masculine

addie (18683)


this is really💑i just wanted to see if it worked cause im genderfluid and it said i was cis,,.... like 💑

screaminFrogCentral (82172)


i dont know my gender so ima just assume it killed itself

screaminFrogCentral (82172)


apparently im nonbinary / demigender. makes sense bcus i never really feel comfortable with gender.

Rei (82235)


Why is she her not option

raisin (41664)


i want a more descriptive answer

hi (25767)


I honestly don't care my gender, im'a start going by any pronouns cause I really just don't care.

idkthisstuff (56861)


I got trans or non-binary, but I have no idea which one I am. This quiz does tell the truth but doesn't help me with anything (no offense) I was born a female and currently identify as non-binary, but I'm starting to think I also could be a transgender male.

Life (30912)


Who am I? What am I? I don't even know what I don't know anymore. Neither? Both? All? one? Actually cishet? Trans? Genderfluid?
Basically, I'm nothing but everything at once.Idk.

Me (49088)


Dear Sage this test barely gives you options of what your gender might be. Demi girl is a type of non-binary so you should look up what type of non-binary am I. Non-binary is an umbrella and there are 11 things under it that you might be.

Sage (51564)


"bold of you to assume I have friends"

AH yes...the perfect option for me.

Idek what the heck my gender is! I say im demigirl- but am i non-0binary..accordig to this quiz Im non-binary :>

Elliott (81230)


by the way eliott is my non bianry name also i got non binary wwhich i am people also make fun of me for painting my nails T^T

Possibly an alien from Pluto. (36525)



valen they/them (61950)


haha i got nonbianary and i identify as nonbianary, or genderfluid, or maby demiboy, yk what idfk

Lesbean 0_0 (12057)


Yeah I was rushing on this one I'm really sorry lol, there's not really enough slots in the making of the quiz to have all the options anyways :/



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What's Your Gender Identity? (Cisgender, Trans, or Nonbinary) (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.