The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)

THE SELMA TIMES-JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1939 PAGE NINE CLASSIFIED AD INFORMATION is not necessary to come to The Pinies-Journal office to insert 4 antUse your telephone. 11 you live out of the city, just v. rite what you want to say, tell us how many times you wish to run It, and enclose stamps, cheek, or money order to cover -RATES Small type (like this! is 2c per word per insertion, with minimum charge 35c. LARGE TYPE (like this) is cents per word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 35 cents. Classified display with larger type and white space is 65c per inch.

Seven consecutive insertions, 600 per CARDS OP THANKS $1.00 FUNERAL NOTICES $1.00 RATES ARE CHEAPER IP ADS ARE TAKEN FOR THIRTY CONSECUTIVE DAYS. TRANSIENT CLASSIFIED A ADS ARE CASH WITH INSERTION, MINIMUM CLASSIFIED CHARGE. Due to cost of set-up and collecting, 00 ad can be charged for less than 40c. Cash ads or those paid within 24 hours of date of insertion will be mecepted for a minimum of 35c. The Times-Journal will not be responsible for more than one incorrect phoned to the 12 o'clock the Insertion.

ALl corrections must be following day. Ads to be run the day they are given must be in the office by 12 o'clock of the same date. CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT PHONE 11 Business Service SELMA Tin Shop. Warm air furnaces, repairs, blow piping, general tin work. Phone 1626 al-1m RADIO-Refrigerator Service.

All makes. Melvin C. Heinz. Phone 21, a5-1m SUITS, Plain Dresses, 50c; cash and carry. Jackson Dry Cleaners, 1002 Selma.

a18-1m SELMA ARMS COMPANY Guns, Locks, Bicycle Repairing Authorized Distributors American Flyer Bicycles (On Easy Terms) We make keys, repair typewriters, open safes, Phone 1367 1114 Alabama Ave. oct1-1m WARM AIR furnaces cleaned, repaired and installed. Hayes Tin Shop. Phone 1480, oct24-1m O'BRIEN Plumbing 1106 Selma Ave. Phones 231; night 560.

oct1-1m FURNITURE Shop. Concrete Repairing. 7 Washington. Phone Huffman: Bros. D3-1mo GET our estimates on painting and paperhanging.

Reliable, Verzal Studios. Phone 332. nov1-1m WHY PAY $35.00, when you can live in modern home at less than $25.00. Contact H. J.

Koski Builders. nov12-1m LADIES and Gentlemen, have your suits and coats remodeled and relined. Also any kind fur work done by Joe Berger, back of Lilienthal's. dec6-4t 1-Announcements CALL 210 for Red Top Cab. Prompt service.

Ed Reynolds. oct1-1m SHOP early for your Xmas photograph. Artcraft Studio, Broad St. oct19-1m BUY your toys from us and save. Choose what you want from our big assortment and have it charged.

Skinner Furniture Co. nov26-tf VISIT Purity Locker Plant and see the Selma cured ham and bacon. Purity Locker Plant. dec1-1m SHAEFFER and Waterman Fountain Pens, Leather Bill Folder and other leather goods. We imprint your name in gold without extra cost.

Pilcher-McBryde. dec1-1m 2-Automobiles ANTI-FREEZE with Prestone and Zerone. "Willie Phone 9. nov1-1m FOR THE best values in Used Cars, see Selma Motor "Your Ford Dealer." novl-1m HAVE your smooth tires retreaded for Winter driving. Day Tire Co.

nov5-1m 5-Financial QUICK LOANS ON SALARY OR AUTO TO MEN AND WOMEN! Lowest Rates--Smallest Payments -Just Try UsMODERN FINANCE CO. Broad Street Over Alabama Power Co. nov1-1m NEED MONEY? BORROW FROM $5.00 TO $50.00 ON YOUR SIGNATURE CASH TO SALARIED MEN AND WOMEN Dallas Loan BROAD Discount STREET (Over Pilcher-McBryde's) novl-1m 6-For Rent UPSTAIRS office for rent. Apply 19 Broad St. Skinner Furniture Co.

nov26-tf HOUSE, 115 Water Ave. See J. R. Twilley. Phone dec1-tf 8-For Rent, Rooms ROOMS, $2.50 per week and up.

Steam heated. Arcadia Hotel. nov29-1m FOR RENT Furnished bedroom, with or without private bath, Mrs. Frank Seay, 706 Dallas. Phone 111-W or 75.

dec3-tf FURNISHED rooms, meals if desired. 115 Union, phone 652. Nov 27-tf COMPLETELY furnished bedrooms, with or without private bath. Mrs. C.

M. Howard, 631 Dallas. sun-wed-fri-tf FOR BUSINESS people, furnished room adjoining bath. Heat and service. Santa Lucia, one block from Broad St.

Phone 271, Miss Rose Weaver. dec6-1t 9 For Sale, Miscellaneous GET YOUR COAL at once and save. Cold weather is just around. the corner. Phone 212.

Nut coal $5.80, lump $6.90. Still same old price, Twilley's No. 9, WaAve. J. W.

Whitcomb, Mgr oct1-1m SEE DUKE'S BARGAINS in good used furniture 17 Washington St. m1-1m VISIT Skinner's Bargain Basem*nt, 19 Broad St. Used furniture, anything from parlor to kitchen at unheard of low prices, j1-1mo HERE'S a real value, Cushman Auto-Glide motor bike. This motor has never been used for service. Guaranteed to look and perform practically the same as new.

De luxe model, with all extra attachments. Factory price $159.50, can be bought from us for $89.50. See us at once. Skinner Furniture Co. nov26-tf TOYS! Big, sturdy constructed red Wagons, each Extra Heavy Duty Wagons.

"The Champion," ball bearing $5.95 Tricycles, streamlined $1.95 and Up Scooters, pneumatic tires, ball bearing brakes. Will last for years, See these before you buy. SKINNER FURNITURE CO. 19 Broad Street nov26-tf MUST SELL at once, 1936 Ford Coupe, good mechanical condition, a bargain. Small down payment, balance on time.

See A. B. Howard, Times-Journal office. dec1-tf XMAS GIFTS that are different. Hundreds of choice articles to select from, Exquisite religious Xmas eards, plaques, pictures, etc.

Reasonably priced. Atwell Floral Co. dec1-1m UNDERWOOD Typewriters for sale, latest models. Liberal terms. Selma Stationery Co, dec3-3t BICYCLES, $21.95 and up.

Skates, 98c and up. Tricycles, $1.95 and up. Air Rifles, 98c and up. Lionel Electric Trains. Bendersky's, 1117 Alabama Ave.

dec1-1m FOR XMAS give the best fountain pen, a "Shaeffer," from Bewig-Lawhon Jewelry Optical Inc. dec1-1m MONOGRAM Stationery and 5-year diary. Name imprinted at no extra charge. Pilcher-McBryde. dec1-1m XMAS GIFTS! We have the prettiest and most varied stock we have ever had.

From inexpensive to expensive gifts. I. J. Hix, Jeweler and Optometrist. 1007 Alabama Ave.

dec1-1m GIVE mother a "Coldspot" Electric Refrigerator for Xmas. A lasting, useful and appreciated gift. Sears, Roebuck Co. dec1-1m LIME SULPHUR, oil emulsion and ethylene emulsion. Tillman's.

dec1-1m SOUTHERN Liquid Meat pint, 35c; Sausage Casing. Tillman's. deel-1m BEAUTIFUL line of leather purses and billfolds. Priced $1.00. Tillman's.

dec1-1m FOR XMAS Gifts, Novelties, Cut Flowers, Plants, Robinson-Blanton. Florists. dec5-1ml, 9 For Sale, Miscellaneous HOUSE plants, ivies. Cut flowers and potted plants. Blossom Gardens.

oct20-1m XMAS CARDS! Box of beautiful, selected cards with name imprinted for $1.00. Pilcher-McBryde. dec1-1m ATTENTION, Dairymen! Milk stools, cans, strainers, bottles, B-K powder, carrier crates and filter disk. Everything to run a dairy. Priced reasonable at Tissier's.

dec1-1m TREE SETS, 29c. China, electrical appliances, heaters, novelties. Cook Hardware Co. dec1-1m GAS RANGE, good condition. Cheap.

315 King. Phone 810. dec6-1t 10-Good Eats CALLERS and Nestles, lb. chocolate bars, 15c; 2 for 25c. Carter's.

oct1-1m MAMMY'S ORANGE SUGARED PECANS A Delicious Confection For All Occasions In Pounds and Half Pounds MRS. A. B. HOWARD 412 Lauderdale St. nov19-tf PECAN Crunch ice cream, Chocolate Marshmallow charlotte, whip cream, and all kinds of ice cream, sweet cream.

Mrs. Henry Lloyd Son, Phone 1430. Prompt service. nov1-1m SPECIAL AT PAYNE'S 121 Washington St. Eggs, doz.

Blackhawk Bacon, factorysliced, lb. 20c Sliced Hams, 20c; center-cut, lb. Pork Chops, lb. Baby Beef, T-bone and Round Steak, lb. 20c Pork Roast, lb.

11c Pet Milk, 3 cans Soda, 2 boxes 5c Starch, 3 boxes 10c Coffee, ground while you wait, 10c Good Brooms, each Toilet Tissue, 3 rolls 10c Good Flour, 24 lbs. dec6-1t 15-Wanted, Salesmen WILL Pay Straight Salary $35.00 per week, man or woman with auto, sell Poultry Mixture to Farmers. Eureka Mig. East St. Louis, Ill.

16-Lost and Found TAKEN Up Sow and two pigs. Both ears cropped. Owner may claim by paying keep and ad. W. C.

Roberts, Rt. No. 2, Orrville. 6-1t 17-Poultry and Live Stock FOR SALE Four or five acres of land on Old Orrville Road, 3 miles out. Reasonable.

Mrs. Ellen H. Lloyd. Phone County 7723. oct29-tf 18-Real Estate FOR SALE Eighty acres level land and residence on highway.

$700.00 cash, balance on easy terms. Cecil M. Ross. Phone 718. dec6-1t 19-Seeds and Plants DALLAS.

Grass, Onion and Cabbage Plants. Selma Seed Store. "Red" Kendrick. dec3-1w LET OUR expert landscape artist place your at no extra charge. Hatchery.

dec1-1m FROST-PROOF cabbage and Bermuda onion plants. Tillman's. dec1-1m 25-Farm Lands FOR SALE Reduced price for 210 acres known as Turner place, miles south of new bridge, four houses, level, well drained, Bowie Smith, dec1-1m 21-Wanted. Position WANTED work of any kind. Amanda Evins.

909 Peaco*ck Alley, 28-1w COLORED woman, experienced References. cook wants and needs job badly. Please see Fannie Mae McGrew. 306 Albert Ave. 29-1w WANTED work-Cooking, cleaning, nursing.

Please see Luella French. 212 Parkman Ave 17-1w. WANTED- Work, any kind of house work. Please see Julia Mack. 714 Green st.

12-1w WANTED--work. Experienced chauffeur, cook, Have done cafe work. Good Cleaner Dan Green. 1110 Morgan's Alley 13-3t WANTED Job. Cooking, cleaning.

Freddie May Ward. 204 Parkman st. 12-1w WANTED Work by experienced clerk. References. Please write Care Times- Journal.

26-3t WANT and need work badly Cooking. cleaning. washing and ironing Mattie Johnson 517 St Phillips st 22-19 WANTED Work. Cooking. cleaning, thg.

or washing and troning Please see Frances Sanders, 608 Sylvan 8t: 22-19 WANTED work. Cooking, cleaning, nursing, etc. Mary Brazelton, 212 Parkman Ave. 15-31 WANTED work, cleaning house work anJ thing I can get to do. Albert McMillan 1325 Minter Ave.

7-19 WANTED job. Cooking, cleaning, ing. etc. Pearl Stone. 1312 Green St.

29-1w WANTED work Experienced driver. Cleaners. yard man. Kayser McMillan 1321 Minter Ave. STATE MASONS OPEN SESSIONS New Leaders Advanced To Helms Of Various Lodge Branches MONTGOMERY, Dec.

Masons held the 119th annual communication of the state's grand lodge here today. elevation of William D. following Hawkins, Birmingham, as grand master of the grand council of royal and select masters. William C. Davis, Opelika, advanced to grand high priest of the Alabama Lodge of Royal Arch Masons.

Davis succeeds Roscoe O. Fleming, Jasper, head of the Royal Arch group and Hawkins replaced T. Gaines St. John. Mobile.

E. F. Yielding, Florence, acting grand master of the grand lodge, was elected grand master of the First Veil in the Royal Arch. Lodge and becomes eligible through advancement to its highest office. A vacancy in the office of conductor of the council in the magters' group was filled by election of David W.

W. Fuller, Montgomery. Elmer Lee Moss, Birmingham was named grand steward. made vacant by advancement of officers. FINLAND (Continued from Page One) The new government headed by Premier Risto Ryti planned a customary reception for diplomats in the late afternoon.

Blow at Capital? It was stated officially today that Russian planes had been sighted yesterday over Esbo, a few miles west of Helsinki. Authorities speculated that the Russians may be seeking a place near the capital for: landing infantry troops by parachute. The gulf outside Helsinki is thickly mined and the approaches are well fortified, making extremely difficult any attempt by the Russian fleet to get close enough to shore to land troops. Political circles felt that the Russian command could not long endure the "humiliation" of being held at bay by a nation of Finland's size. New snow today was greeted enthusiastically by military authorities.

They counted it a heavy ski- advantage. for gunners Finland's and famous infantrymen. No cannonading was heard in Helsinki itself today. 35 Miles Covered By Invading Red Army KIRKENES, NORWAY (AT THE FINNISH FRONTIER), Dec. 6-(AP) -On this 22d anniversary of Finnish independence, a Soviet Russian army was reported to have driven almost a fifth of the way across northern Finland-apparently under orders to cut the country in two.

This army was said to have penetrated 35 miles into Finland, reaching Kuolajarvi, -on the seventh day of the war, and leaving only 150 miles to be traversed before Finland would be bisected. Completion of the drive would put red forces on the Swedish der. Just beyond the border Sweden's rich iron mines. Observers saw in the relentlessly developing Russian strategy a menace to Sweden-apart from the disaster it might mean for Finnish troops in the far north. Region Not Strategic Finnish sources contended the Russian advance was discounted in advance because the region already penetrated is practically uninhabited.

The Finns declared the invaders would encounter "unbreakable" resistance when they reached Finnish defense positions west of Kuolajarvi. The base of this Russian crosscountry thrust was reported to be Kandalaksha, at the western most extremity of the White Sea, railway station nearest the Finnish border in that region. Kandalaksha lies 50 miles east of the Finnish border, In reaching Kuolajarvi, the Russians also gained access to a good highway running 110 miles northwest to the important communications center of Rovaniemi, where Finland's arctic highway continues northeast to Petsamo and a railway runs southward to the Gulf of Bothnia between Finland and Sweden. To support this drive, the Soviet Union continued the landing of thousands of troops along Petsamo Fjord and aerial forays for reconnoitering and bombing. Finns Fight Stubbornly Finns, fighting stubbornly in the cold and twilight of the Arctic, told of repulsing sporadic Russian attacks and of shooting down a Russian bombing plane.

A detachment of 200 red soldiers, apparently part of the parachute infantry Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has complated the construction of the Senior High School P. W. A. Docket, Ala. 1265 F.

for the city of Selma, Selma, Ala. Any person or persons having claims against the undersigned in connection with the project are requested to file said claims immediately with the undersigned at Selma, and the city of Selma. Final payment in connection with the project will be made on December 26th. 1939. Signed BATSON COOK COMPANY 26-24t LEGAL NOTICE Notice to Creditors of Estate of Luis McCullom.

Letters Testamentary upon the estate of said decedent having been granted to the undersigned on the 28th day of November, 1939, by the Probate Judge of Dallas County Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same, duly sworn to, in the Probate Court of said county within the time allowed by law, or else same will be forever barred. MATT WAUGH Executor. Pitts Pitta Attorneys 29-6-13 Deadly Fireworks Spectacular pyrotechnic display was created when U. S. Army infantrymen at Fort Benning, demonstrated massed machine gun fire--with tracer bullets--against 9 mythical enemy.

dropped in northern Finland, was said to have been captured near Salmijarvi on the Finnish-Norwegian border. Thousands of Finns strung all along the nation's lake-studded frontier facing Russia observed independence, day or while pillboxes, clinging or giv- to ing ground slightly before the red onslaught. Finnish aviation had opened its offensiv despite low-hanging clouds and snowstorms, a Finnish army communique reported. The fliers, far outnumbered by the mighty red air corps, were said to have attacked Russian troop concentrations yesterday while on reconnaissance. (The communique also said 64 Russian tanks had been destroyed in the week-old war, and that enemy losses numbered 2,000 men.

(A communique of Russia's Leningrad command declared, "all tanks participating in hostilities since Nov. 30 are present, and Finnish troops did not capture a single one." ((The Russian report declared only two Soviet planes had been brought down by the Finns, while two landed on Finnish soil when the pilots lost their bearings because of bad weather. (The Russian command also denied the cruiser Kiroff had been damaged and two destroyers sunk in action against Finnish fortifications at Hango, at the mouth of the Finnish gulf, as the Finns reported last Friday. of the Finnish coastal artillery missed the cruiser Kiroff by two and a half to three miles and caused merry animation a and jeering among the crews of the Soviet warships," the communique said.) Speculating on the course of the Russians' westward drive in the Kuolajarvi sector, observers 88- sumed their planes would bomb heavily the railway tions between Roveniemi and land's Bothnian seaport, Kemi, opposite the Swedish iron port of Lulea, Any Russian naval attempt to penetrate the Gulf of Bothnia, however, seemed to- have been blocked effectively by Swedish and Finnish mines and Finnish guns being placed on the Aland Islands at the mouth of gulf. Russian attempts to advance southward from the Arctic coast had not overcome the Finnish resistance Petsamo, according yet, to reports reaching Kirkenes, Two Finnish fishing boats loaded with refugees were reported sunk by Russian warships while trying to reach Varangerfjord from districts west of Petsamo.

All aboard were said to have been lost. The -light of the Arctic day and the long nights are allies of the Finns. The natural blackout greatly hampers Russian aerial activity. The Finns also count on the snow to. help them, giving their -Rope of Death Balanced 65 feet above ground on old Howard Meyers of Laurelton, more than three hours aloft, he Albert seen at left.

seizing the ski troops an advantage in mounTainous Terrian. Snow in some sections of Finland already is drifting six feet deep, and progress through wooded sections is practically impossible without skiis. BRITAIN (Continued from Page One) ministry said it "presumed" was "engaged in mine-laying operation" crashed into the sea early today off Sheringham, Norfolk. Wreckage of the twin-engined monoplane and the body of its pilot were washed ashore. The pilot a power line, 19-yearL.

threatened to leap. After was rescued by Patrolman John youth. Note firemen's net below. apparently had lost control. The air ministry said fighters had taken to the air, but had been prevented by bad weather from contacting the enemy.

RELIEF (Continued from Page One tive problems." Further commenting on Mayor La Guardia's remarks, Gov. Bricker said: "Ohio's record in social betterment compares with any state in the union, including New York. Nobody is starving in the state of Ohio, and nobody will starve in the state of Ohio. I have already Parade of the 'Would' Workers Jeered by Strikers Spectators were jeering, not cheering, when parade of nearly 200 strikebreaking workers passed by, flanked by biggest police guard in auto strike history, en route to Detroit's Chrysler plant. The plant has been closed since Oct.

6 by controversy between workers and management. pointed out to city officials ways and means for continuing necessary relief programs. At least 12,000 persons in Cleveland are getting their sole food supply from Uncle Sam. And these thousands are receivting only what the Federal Surplus Commodities corporation can ship in for them. There is little evidence or knowledge of Cleveland's relief condition on the main streets of the city where business is at its best in years.

This week the FSC is giving out 14 carloads of apples and 10. carloads of flour. is all. Schedules explain that single persons get three pounds of flour and four pounds of apples, couples get six pounds of flour and eight pounds of apples and so on. Next week they will get rolied oats, butter and squash.

Negroes Suffer Worst Need is most evident in the negro districts. streams of people pile in of the storeandeady rooms where distributing stations have set A woman was asked how her family gets, along on just apples and flour. "We make. pancakes," she said, A man was told that he would get butter next week. His reply was "What will we put it on I haven't a nickel to buy bread." In one of the better districts, woman in her 30's, dressed fashionably, walked silently into station.

"She had a good job until a few months ago," explained the super. visor, "and she still has the clothes." She was followed by a woman who. couldn't speak English, an aged man whose hands shook, and a woman in a cheap checked coat. Supervisors express amazement at how many get along. Some save a little of their weekly dole to have variety later.

Others pool their supplies or turn the flour and apples over to families who have other food and all share in the meals. CONDEMNATION (Continued from Page One) The United States government began a series of steps to aid the besieged people of Finland and emphasize its condemnation of Soviet Russia. Secretary of Treasury Morgenthau, on instructions from President Roosevelt, gave orders that Finland's forthcoming semi-annual debt payment of $234,693 be held in a special account. Mr, Roosevelt indicated he would ask congress for authority to use the money for the benefit of the Finnish people. The president denied firmly at a press conference yesterday that Russia might consider such action unneutral.

A question raising this possibility presupposed, he said, that perhaps the funds would be used to send airplanes to Finland. Actually, he added, the money might be used to help wounded or refugees. The state department was ready, meanwhile, to join with the Latin American republics in a PanAmerican denunciation of the Russian invasion. Reliable sources said also that government credit agencies were studying the possibility of advancing credits to Finland. The little republic has indicated she wants to purchase military supplies here, ranging from rifles and light field artillery to airplanes.

The state department announced the American Red Cross was beginning a survey to ascertain what the relief needs of Finland would be. (At Palo Alto, former President Hoover undertook to set up an organization to appeal for and co-ordinate United States contributions to the homeless in Finland.) Today was the twenty-second anniversary of Finnish independence, and it was almost certain that Mr. Roosevelt would send the government a congratulatory message, much stronger than the usual anniversary greetings. There were indications that decisions as to invocation of the United States' neutrality act and severance of diplomatic relations between the United States and Russia might be awaiting the outcome of possible peace negotiations between Russia and Finland. President Roosevelt threw his authority behind the foreign policy of Secretary Hull with ironic comments yesterday as to sources of criticism.

He said at his press conference that, with regard to the general method of handling foreign policy from day to day what Secretary Hull was doing must be very good indeed and have the approval of the great mass of the American people. This was obvious, he contended, because of the criticisms and accusations coming in. They arrived, he said, in large part from two sources: 1. The Soviet press. A portion of the Nazi press.

The publicity expert of the republican national committee and the Hearst newspapers. All, he said, were in substantial accord in attacking United United States' foreign policy, 2. Statesmen of Russia and Germany and a comparatively small number of politically -minded people in the United States house and senate. Senator Borah Idaho) sounded a warning that severance of diplomatic relations between the United States and Russia might draw the Soviet and Nazi governments more closely together and thus prolong the European war, Criticizing those who he said would "stampede" President Roosevelt into breaking off relations, he declared he could not see how such action would aid Finland. SUICIDE VERDICT BIRMINGHAM, Dec.

6-(AP) -Coroner Gip M. Evans reported a verdict of suicide today in the death of Wayne Wilson, 29, whose body was found last night in an automobile parked. before an dertaking establishment. Evans said Wilson had a gunshot wound in the head. A pistol, note and two insurance policies were found beside the body.

The Selma Times-Journal from Selma, Alabama (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.